Change root folder for Radarr, Sonarr, or Lidarr and remove old path (including get rid of missing path errors)

Changing the root path for your movies, TV shows and/or music isn’t difficult or time consuming, if you know where to look.

Frequently the applications will throw an error after you move your media and delete the old path saying something similar to “missing root folder”. If all your movies and TV shows are found, that error only affects anal retentiveness. But it drove me nuts, so I had to figure out how to fix it.

Radarr add the new path:
1. Select the “Movies” page
2. Select the “Movie Editor” tab near the top of the Movies page listing
3. Click the “Select All” button near the top (currently blue colored but that could change in later versions.)
4. Change the “Root Folder” selection at the bottom to “Add a different path”
5. Click the (currently blue colored) folder near the right of the selection box, and chose /mnt/unionfs/whateverYourMovieFolderIs
6. Scroll down after the list of movie folders is shown and click “Ok”
7. You’ll be returned to the path selection screen – click the (currently green colored) check box to set your new path
8. Confirm the new path is now in the “Root Folder” box and click the (currently blue colored) “Save” button – and WAIT FOR COMPLETION.
– You should see a pop-up box after some time that says “Done Saving”.

Radarr to remove the old path (AFTER you’ve mass changed the movies to the new one!)
1. Go to “Add Movies” page
2. Start typing in a new movie (you’re not actually going to add it, just choose one you don’t have like Ishtar or Gigli)
3. In the “Path” Section, press the drop-down arrow to choose another path.
-The new one you’ve mass changed everything to AND the old one should show up as options.
4. Press the red “x” at the right of the old one.
5. Click the “Close” button.
6. Stop/restart the Radarr docker container.
7. Et voila

For “old” Sonarr it’s the same steps except obviously its the TV pages instead of Movie pages

Sonarr V3/beta (that is the default in 8.x) and/or Lidarr add the new path:
1. Select Series -> Mass Editor for Sonarr (v3/beta) OR Artist -> Mass Editor for Lidarr
2. Click the white box at the top left to select ALL series (Sonarr) or artists (Lidarr)
3. Change the “Root Folder” selection at the bottom to “Add a new path”
4. Select the folder for your TV shows or Music (i.e. /mnt/unionfs/YourTelevisionFolder or /mnt/unionfs/YourMusicFolder)
– When you see the list of folders choose “OK”
5. You’ll be asked if you want to move the series/artist folders to the new location. CHOOSE THE RED “Yes, Move the Files” button.

Sonarr v3/beta and/or Lidarr remove the old path (AFTER you’ve mass changed to the new one!)
1. Go to Series -> Import for Sonarr OR Artist -> Import for Lidarr
2. Click the black “x” at the end of the home path you want to remove (Again – AFTER you’ve mass moved everything!)
3. Stop/restart the Sonarr or Lidarr docker container.

Creating SSH key and using MobaXterm as remote access to Google Compute Engine

MobaXterm is my go-to remote access client from Windows. I prefer it to PuTTY for a number of reasons, which I won’t go into detail here, but include better GUI, better saved session information, clearer session info, macros, etc.
Ironically, I find using PuTTY (puttygen specifically) to *create* the key pair is the easiest process.
It’s free, and can be used as a Portable App or installed directly.

Anyhow – here’s how to set up your SSH keys to use it to SSH directly into your GCE rather than connecting through another PG instance.


Creating SSH user for external app access. (This part is useful regardless of the client you use.)

1. Install PuTTY:
2. Open “Puttygen”
3. Select the “RSA” button (ensure # of bits is set to 2048)
4. Click on generate and follow the instructions (move your mouse around to generate random info)
5. In the Key Comment textbox, put your email address
– it doesn’t matter what email you use, however the part BEFORE the @ symbol will be your login name. I.E. if you use your SSH login will be testguy.
– Note that without some changes you can’t SSH directly in as root – and you don’t want to. So make sure your user has SU privileges or just switch to the root user after you log in (su root) – but make sure you’v set the root password first or that won’t work either!
6. Save your private key somewhere – you’ll use this location and key later in MobaXTerm
7. Copy all of the text from the top, greyed-out textbox – this is your PUBLIC key
!- this will be entered into the GCE Cloud Platform SSH section later, so don’t close PuttyGen yet in case you need to copy it again-!

Adding the key for use in Google Computer Engine – the recommended way (via Google Cloud Platform web interface.)

1. Go to your GCE “Google Cloud Platform Console”:
2. Select Compute Engine -> VM Instances
3. Click the name of your VM you want to create the SSH account on.
4. Click “Edit” at the top
5. Scroll down to “SSH Keys”
6. Click the box that says +Add Item
7. Paste the selection from PuttyGen – your public key – into the white box.
– it should show the username from the email address you used to create the key
– Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Your key should start with “ssh-rsa AAAA…” not “— BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY”
– More specifically, it should be in the “” format if you’re using it from a file instead of copy/paste like I suggest.
8. Scroll down and select “Save”

Adding key to MobaXTerm

1. Create (or Edit if already created) the SSH Session settings for your GCE SSH connection.
– I assume you know how to create an SSH session in MobaXterm, if not – that’s a different set of instructions. 🙂
2. Go to “Advanced SSH Settings”
3. Click the box for “Use private key” and choose the file you saved earlier when creating the private key.
4. SSH into your GCE, as the user you created. SU to root as needed.